G. Robert Witmer, Jr.

Top rated Land Use & Zoning attorney in Rochester, New York

Nixon Peabody LLP
Nixon Peabody LLP

Practice Areas: Land Use & Zoning, Native American Law

Licensed in New York since: 1962

Education: Harvard Law School

Selected to Super Lawyers: 2010 - 2015

Nixon Peabody LLP

1300 Clinton Square
Rochester, NY 14604


G. Robert Witmer, Jr. is a top-rated attorney selected to Super Lawyers for 2010 - 2015. He works at Nixon Peabody LLP, located in Rochester, New York, and provides legal services for issues involving Land Use / Zoning and Native American Law to the surrounding community.

Robert Witmer, Jr. passed the bar in 1962.

Only a few attorneys from each state are selected to Super Lawyers designation for any given year. The multi-factor selection process includes independent research, peer nominations and evaluations, as well as professional achievement in legal practice.

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Office location for G. Robert Witmer, Jr.

1300 Clinton Square
Rochester, NY 14604

Additional sources of information about G. Robert Witmer, Jr.

Attorney resources for G. Robert Witmer, Jr.

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