James A. Coutinho

Top rated Bankruptcy attorney in Columbus, Ohio

Allen Stovall Neuman & Ashton LLP
James A. Coutinho
Allen Stovall Neuman & Ashton LLP

Practice Areas: Bankruptcy, Business & Corporate, Civil Litigation; view more

Licensed in Ohio since: 2007

Education: Capital University Law School

Selected to Super Lawyers: 2023 - 2025 Selected to Rising Stars: 2018 - 2022

Allen Stovall Neuman & Ashton LLP

10 W. Broad St
Suite 2400
Columbus, OH 43215 Phone: 614-221-8500 Email: James A. Coutinho Visit website


I am an attorney who assists businesses and individuals in in the area of financial insolvency and litigation. My clients need a professional that not only knowledgeable and technically savvy, but one that has a heart of a teacher, is patient, and understands the implications of their situation and the stress that they are under. I am that attorney.

I strive to provide a personal service to my clients that will lead not only to their satisfaction, but also to my own: that I have done my absolute best to deliver excellent results for my clients in accordance with their goals and objectives. I present my clients with options, educate them about their potential paths, and, without pressure, help them choose the right course. During the process, I treat them how I would want to be treated my first and only time through a financial or legal struggle. At the end, the great joy of my career is to see the changed countenance of my clients. The stress is gone, and they are free to live again.

In more advanced cases, I have the technical skill and knowledge to proceed through litigation in state and federal court. My presentation skills are superb; I have a knack for making complex issues easy to understand. I am detail-oriented and a quick learner. In my experience with Chapter 11 bankruptcies, receiverships, and general litigation, I have met both my clients legal goals and professional expectations on numerous occasions.

I am driven to excellence. I will not settle for mediocre, nor leave on the table an opportunity to push the limits of what can be done. I am personable, kind and resourceful. I take the initiative to meet challenges head-on and will always strive to be my absolute best. My family and my clients deserve no less.

In 2017, I was named to be a member of the independent panel of chapter 7 trustees for the United States Bankruptcy Court, Southern District of Ohio, Eastern Division. I am one of the youngest trustees to be appointed locally. As trustee, chapter 7 bankruptcy cases in Columbus, Ohio and the surrounding counties are assigned to me and I work to liquidate assets that may be present in those cases. It is a high honor to be able to serve in this capacity. In addition, in 2020, I was chosen as one of three individuals to serve as a Chapter 11, Subchapter V trustee in cases filed under that new subchapter of the bankruptcy code.

Practice areas

Bankruptcy: Business, Business/Corporate, Civil Litigation: Plaintiff, Bankruptcy: Consumer, Creditor Debtor Rights: Business

First Admitted: 2007, Ohio

Professional Webpage: http://asnalaw.com/our-attorneys/jim-coutinho/

Bar/Professional Activity:
  • Attorney Advisory Committee, United States Bankruptcy Court, Southern District of Ohio - Selected as a member of an elite panel of attorneys to advise judges as to the direction of the bankruptcy court practice. Serving on the Chapter 11 subcommittee as one of the youngest members. Also serving as an ad-hoc member of the Consumer/Small Business subcommittee as trustee representative. Served on committee since 2017., 2024
  • Columbus Bankruptcy Judicial Liaison Commitee - Served for five years (two as committee chairman) on the Judicial Liaison Committee. The committee consists of the local bankruptcy judges, trustees and a diverse set of practitioners. It meets quarterly to address and resolve issues presenting in the bankruptcy bar that require interaction between the bar and the judges to resolve., 2014
  • Columbus Bar Association Bankruptcy Committee Chairman - Organized monthly meetings with regular presentations from local bar members and judges. Chaired the committee that organized the Bankruptcy Law Institute., 2012
  • Bankruptcy Law Institute Planning Committee - Committee that plans the local 2-day bankruptcy seminar. Served for five years (2 years as chairman) from 2011 - 2016, then joined again for the 2019-2020 preparation., 2020
  • Columbus Bar Association Bankruptcy Committee - Local Case Law Update. Provided monthly summaries of local case law released on all bankruptcy topics. Provided annual summaries during presentations at the Bankruptcy Law Institute., 2009
Representative Clients:
  • New Perspective Asset Management, LLC, as Receiver in 300+ real estate nuisance abatement cases between 2018 and 2024., 2024
  • Sawyer Towers - Represented Receiver over notorious nuisance property in Columbus, Ohio., 2024
  • TOMS King, et al. - Serving in a local counsel capacity for a complex chapter 11 proceeding for large Burger King franchisee., 2023
  • Robert J. Weiler, Sr as Receiver for the Colonial Village Apartments - 508 unit apartment complex on the east side of Columbus, Ohio., 2023
  • 5AAB Transport, LLC - Counsel for chapter 11 debtor in possession. Obtained major success for client through 363 sale followed by confirmed plan of reorganization., 2022
  • Murray Mettalurgical Coal Holdings, LLC, et al. - Serving in a local counsel capacity for a complex chapter 11 proceeding., 2020
  • The Gathering Place - Successful representation of church/daycare facility through confirmation of chapter 11 plan., 2019
  • The Gregory Nathan Gould Co. - Counsel for chapter 11 debtor in possession. Confirmed plan of reorganization., 2019
  • Jack Harris, Receiver for Berkshire Court Apartments - successful liquidation of apartment building through receivership., 2019
  • Jack Harris, Receiver over Countryside Mobile Home Park - A receivership involving a substantial mobile home park in central Ohio., 2017
  • Receiver John A. Rothschild, Jr. - Burton Receivership matter involving 120 residential properties in Perry County, Ohio., 2016
  • Artemis Laser & Vein Center - Co-counsel in Chapter 11 representation of local cosmetic surgery and vein center., 2015
  • Receiver Jack Harris - 106 North High Street, LLC, aka The Atrium Lofts Receivership. Involved the management and sale of 48 condo units in downtown Columbus, Ohio., 2014
  • APEX Realty Enterprises - Co-counsel in Chapter 11 Bankruptcy representation. Successful completion of 363 sale and liquidating plan., 2011
  • Chapter 7 Trustee Litigation - Successful litigation for numerous matters representing various Chapter 7 Trustees, including mortgage avoidance, preference, and fraudulent transfer litigation., 2007
  • Homewood Corporation - Represented client in numerous real estate sales through the last six years., 2024
  • Colonial Village Apartments - brought receivership estate through sale procedures process and worked through two transaction that ultimately did not close, but all transactional work was done for $23M+ sale., 2022
  • Fujiyama Japanese Restaurant - Represented seller in restaurant sale transaction., 2022
  • Represented long-time client in multi-million dollar merger of two oil and gas waste disposal companies., 2020
  • Facilitated sale of Sawmill Creek Resort to Cedar Fair for over $13M., 2019
  • Water Energy Services - Handled transaction for client's $7.2 million dollar purchase of assets of wastewater disposal company through a receivership sale., 2017
  • TD Limited, LLC, Receivership: A substantial real estate receivership involving the successful auction of twenty-one rental properties near Miami (Ohio) University. Gross proceeds from the property auction was $7,300,000.00.  , 2015
  • Three Little Pigs (Hoggy's) Receivership - A complex receivership involving the liquidation of seven chain restaurants in Columbus, Cleveland and Cincinnati, including the successful spinoff of a standalone catering operation., 2014
  • Chestnut Hill Venture, LLC, Receivership - A receivership involving a premium shopping center in Gahanna, Ohio. Handled sale transaction for $850,000.00., 2014
Special Licenses/Certifications:
  • Member of the independent panel of Chapter 11, Subchapter V Bankruptcy Trustees for the Southern District of Ohio since February 2020., 2024
  • Member of the independent panel of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Trustees for Columbus, Ohio, since March 2017., 2024
Pro bono/Community Service:
  • Columbus Bankruptcy Pro Bono Project - Provides pro-bono services to at least two, and sometimes more, bankruptcy filers each year that are referred by Legal Aid. Services provided since 2012 with over 18 cases filed pro bono., 2024
  • Bankruptcy Pro Bono Project - Fresh Start Gala - Assisted with local fundraiser for the Bankruptcy Pro Bono Project by speaking at the event about the importance of pro bono work and bankruptcy., 2023
  • Boy Scouts of America - Eagle Scout and serving in Troop with daughters., 2024
  • Bankruptcy Pro Bono Project - Fresh Start Gala - Assisted with local fundraiser for the Bankruptcy Pro Bono Project by serving as the master of ceremonies for the event., 2016
  • Bankruptcy Pro Bono Project CLE - Provided keynote address at Legal Aid bankruptcy CLE seminar., 2013
  • The President's Award is given annually to a chairperson of a Columbus Bar Association substantive law committee for excellence in service. I was awarded for my two years of service as the chairman of the Bankruptcy Law Committee. During my time as chairman, I reinvigorated the committee, including chairing the Bankruptcy Law Institute planning committee, and serving on the Bankruptcy Judicial Liaison Committee. I was recognized as an active and effective voice in the Bankruptcy Bar., President's Award, Columbus Bar Association, 2014
Educational Background:
  • Capital University Law School, Juris Doctor, 2007
  • The Ohio State University, Bachelor of Arts, Economics, 2004
Scholarly Lectures/Writings:
  • Served as a guest lecturer for a class of Ohio State graduate and undergraduate students in a finance class studying chapter 11 to discuss the realities of a chapter 11 practice. Served in this role in 2022, 2022, and 2024., Guest Lecturer, Chapter 11 Practitioner Perspectives, Ohio State University Finance Class, 2024
  • Overview of the Ohio receivership process and the use of receivership as a multi-dimensional tool to achieve many results., Speaker, Receiverships, Ohio State Bar Association, 2023
  • Spoke with a panel of chapter 7 bankruptcy trustees regarding updates to the chapter 7 process, assets sought after, and other matters., Speaker, Chapter 7 Trustee Update, Credit Education Coalition, 2023
  • Spoke with a panel of Chapter 11 Subchapter V Trustees regarding recent Subchapter V updates, best practices, and other matters., Speaker, Chapter 11 Subchapter V Discussion, S.D. Ohio Bankruptcy Bench Bar Conference, 2023
  • Speaker regarding common title issues in bankruptcy and insolvency transactions. Provided to title agent seminar., Speaker, Title Issues in Bankruptcy, Title, 2022
  • Lecture regarding the use of the receivership process to solve problems common to clients in the bankruptcy industry., Speaker, Receiverships: Another tool for the insolvency attorney, Credit Education Coalition, Bankruptcy, 2021
  • Presentation regarding the new Bankruptcy Restructuring Act of 2019 and the addition of Subchapter V to Chapter 11 of the code. Discussion of how subchapter V can help companies through COVID., Speaker, Business Law Update: COVID-19 and Small Business Bankruptcy, Bankruptcy, 2021
  • Speaker at the Bench Bar Conference for the Southern District of Ohio regarding Chapter 5 Mortgage Avoidance actions by trustees., Speaker, Mortgage Lien Avoidance Update, Bankruptcy Bench Bar Conference, 2019, 2019
  • Lecturer with other practitioner and local judge on discussion of receiverships and their interplay with bankruptcy topics., Lecturer, Receiverships, Columbus Bar Association - Bankruptcy Law Institute, 2016
  • Lecture about professionalism topics that specifically related to differences between lawyer generations., Lecturer, Perspectives on Professionalism, Columbus Bar Association - Bankruptcy Law Institute, 2015
  • Lecturer with local Assistant United States Trustee on ethical considerations in unbundling legal services in consumer bankruptcy cases., Lecturer, Unbundling Legal Services in Consumer Cases, Columbus Bar Association - Bankruptcy Committee, 2014
  • Lecture summary of local bankruptcy case decisions., Lecturer, Local Case Law Update, Columbus Bar Association - Bankruptcy Law Institute, 2013
  • Lecture regarding the impact of Supreme Court's Stern v. Marshall decision., Lecturer, Revisiting Stern v. Marshall, ABI - Eighth Annual Mid-Atlantic Bankruptcy Workshop, 2012
  • Lecture summary of the Supreme Court's Stern v. Marshall decision and its potential impact on bankruptcy jurisprudence., Lecturer, Stern v. Marshall, Columbus Bar Association - Bankruptcy Law Institute, 2012
  • Lecture on lien avoidance through bankruptcy trustee powers., Lecturer, Setting a Course to Avoid Liens, Bankruptcy Southern District Bench Bar Conference, 2012
  • Lecture summary of local bankruptcy case decisions., Lecturer, Local Case Law Update, Columbus Bar Association - Bankruptcy Law Institute, 2012
Other Outstanding Achievements:
  • Eagle Scout, 1995

Office location for James A. Coutinho

10 W. Broad St
Suite 2400
Columbus, OH 43215


3 Years Super Lawyers
5 Years Rising Stars
  • Super Lawyers: 2023 - 2025
  • Rising Stars: 2018 - 2022

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