Practice Areas: Family Law; view more
Licensed in Tennessee since: 1996
Education: New York University School of Law
Anne Hamer is an attorney at Hamer & Taylor, with offices in Nashville and Memphis. She represents clients at all income levels and in all aspects of family law, including divorce, prenuptial agreements, post-divorce child support and custody matters, grandparents’ rights, and paternity cases.
Anne has been recognized by Super Lawyers, Best Lawyers in America, and Best Law Firms in America. She is the author of Fearless Freedom, a Divorced Lawyers Guide to Divorce, available on Amazon.
Graduating magna cum laude, Ms. Hamer secured her bachelor’s degree from The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, in 1989. From the New York University School of Law, she obtained her Juris Doctor degree in 1996. She also completed a course on Family Law Trial Advocacy, conducted by the National Institute for Trial Advocacy.
Prior to being a family law attorney, Ms. Hamer spent significant time handling cases related to complicated commercial litigation. Later, she gained experience in family law, developing parenting plans for families to assist them in strengthening the family structure. She is licensed in Tennessee since 1996 and is also professionally trained in civil, domestic violence and family law mediations.
Providing personal representation to her clients, Ms. Hamer makes herself available to her clients at their convenience. She strives to develop a strategy for their cases that best meets their needs, both personal and financial. She is rated “Good” on Avvo.
Anne is an active member of the legal community. She regular speaks on family law topics nationally, and is a member of the Tennessee Bar Association, the American Bar Association, the Nashville Bar Association, and the Memphis Bar Association.
Investing her time to work for the betterment of the community, Ms. Hamer has been a volunteer fundraiser for numerous local organizations as well as serving on committees at her children's schools.
Practice areas
Family LawFocus areas
Alimony & Spousal Support, Child Support, Custody & Visitation, Divorce, Domestic Violence, Father's Rights, Marital Property, Mediation & Collaborative Law, Name Change, Paternity, Prenuptial Agreements, Same Sex Family Law
- 100% Family Law
First Admitted: 1996, Tennessee
Professional Webpage: https://annehamerlaw.com/about-anne/
- Speaker, Tennessee Society of CPAs Conference, 2020
- Association of Women Attorneys, Member
- Nashville Bar Association, Member
- American Bar Association, Member
- Family Law Committee of the Memphis Bar Association, Chair
- Speaker, Memphis Bar Association CLE, The Mentally Ill Client, 2019
- Speaker, American Bar Association Webinar, Dealing with Difficult Clients and Difficult Opposing Counsel, 2018
- Speaker, Tennessee Trial Lawyers Association 2021 Domestic Law Forum, 2021
- Speaker, Memphis Bar Association Family Law Update, 2020
- Speaker, Memphis Bar Association Family Law CLE, 2018
- Speaker, Memphis Bar Association Bench/Bar Conference, 2020
- Speaker, Tennessee Society of CPAs Seminar, 2019
- Tennessee Bar Association, Family Law Section, 2018
- Nashville Bar Association CLE committee, 2020
- Memphis Bar Association, Family Law Section, 2016
- American Bar Association, Family Law Section, 2016
- Memphis Bar Association, Family Law Section, 2015
- Lawyers Association for Women, Marion Griffin Chapter, Davidson County, TN, 2018
- Nashville Bar Assocation: CLE committee, ethics and professionalism committee, cirucit/chancery court committee, 2019
- Memphis Bar Association: member, Family Law Section, 2014
- Memphis Bar Association: Family Law Sectoin, Collaborative Law Section, 2019
- Member, Tennessee Bar Association, 2019
- Chair, Famiy Law Section, Memphis Bar Association, 2013
- Settled highly controversial and publicized divorce for transgender psychiatrist client who underwent gender reassignment surgery during divorce proceedings, 2018
- Successful settlement in multi-million dollar divorce based on prenup I had prepared for the client two years prior, 2018
- Won a zero-alimony verdict for multi-millionaire client (husband) in a 43 year marriage, 2013
- Won alimony and primary residential parent status for client with limited English and history of domestic violence by Husband, 2020
- Won visitation for out-of-state grandmother and family in contested trial in Williamson County, 2020
- Interview with CPA/JD Miles Mason Sr. discussing financial abuse in marriage and how to stop it, 2020, Financial Abuse with Miles Mason, Sr., Family Law Clients
- How income, assets and debts affect the outcome of a divorce case, 2020, It's Time to Talk About Money, Family Law Clients
- Presentation with estate lawyer Tiffany Bowers on why it is important to have an updated will and other estate planning documents, 2020, Get Peace of Mind Now. Get a Will., Estate Planning And Family Law Clients
- Discussion with John Floyd, Jr. of the need for Orders of Protection, how Covid-19 Quarantine exacerbated domestic violence and how courts are handling Orders of Protection during quarantine, 2020, Covid-19 Update - Orders of Protection, Family Law Clients
- Summary of the rulings in Davidson and Shelby Counties regarding children attending daycare and school during Covid-19 quarantine, 2020, Covid-19 Update: Does my Child have to go to School?, Family Law Clients
- How to co-parent in the age of Covid, Co-Parenting Tips for 2021, Family Law Clients, 2021
- The reasons to hire a private investigator in a divorce case and how to use leverage to get the result you want, 2020, Should I Hire a Private Investigator, Family Law Clients
- Describes reconciliation agreements and the process for negotiating one, 2021, Valentine's Day Advice - Reconciliation in Divorce, Family Law Clients
- Rule 31 Certified Mediator, 2013
- Certified Domestic Violence Mediator, 2015
- Germantown Municipal School District Board Member, Treasurer, 2019
- She has served as a room mom, PTO Treasurer, and a member of the Diversity Committee at her children’s schools, as well as their soccer and basketball coach, and Sunday School teacher.
- St. George’s Church, Volunteer Fundraiser
- Hutchison School, Volunteer Fundraiser
- The Children’s Museum of Memphis, Volunteer Fundraiser
- Chairperson, Congressional Campaign of Erika Stotts Pearson, 2021
- Tennessee Shakespeare Company, Board Member, Gala Chair, 2014 - 2019
- Hutchison School, Parent Ambassador, 2015 - 2016
- Hutchison School, Diversity Committee, 2013 - 2014
- Selectee, Super Lawyers, Tennessee
- University of Tennessee, B.A. Political Science, Magna Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa, Philo Sherman Bennett Award Winner for Excellence in Political Science, 1989
- General Civil and Family Law Mediation Training, 2013
- Domestic Violence Mediation Training, 2015
- Trial Advocacy School Graduate, National Institute of Trial Advocacy and the ABA Family Law Section. The rigorous course encompasses all aspects of a divorce trial, including expert testimony, direct and cross-examination techniques, opening and closing arguments and trial strategy, 2015
- This is an hour and a half course that I prepared and presented with Dan Taylor to the Memphis Bar Association, Writer and Presenter, Dissipation and Cohabitation, Family Law Practitioners, 2021
- Presentation to Memphis Bar Association by Zoom., Writer/Presenter, Military Divorce, Family Law Attorneys, 2021
- Update on new cases in Tennessee family law., Speaker/Researcher, Family Law Case Law Update, Memphis Bar Association, Family Law Attorneys, 2021
- Zoom CLE presentation to Tennessee Trial Lawyers Association re recent cases in Tennessee family law, Speaker, Domestic Law Update, Tennessee Trial Lawyers Association, Tennessee Attorneys, 2021
- Zoom presentation to Memphis Bar Association on recent cases in Tennessee Family Law., Speaker/Researcher, Family Law Case Law Update, Memphis Bar Association, Family Law Attorneys, 2020
- A review of Miles Mason's recent edition of the Forensic Accounting Deskbook and analysis of its usefulness to Tennessee Family Law attorneys, Reviewer, The Forensic Accounting Deskbook, Tennessee Bar Journal, Tennessee Attorneys, 2020
- Explanation of the role of the forensic accountant in divorce from the attorney's perspective., author/co-speaker, The Role of the Forensic Accountant in Divorce, Tennessee Society of Certified Professional Accountants, Tennessee Society Of Certified Public Accountants, 2020
- Update on the latest family law cases in Tennessee for Family Law practictioners., Speaker/Researcher/Presenter, Tennessee Case Law Update, MBA Bench Bar Conference, Memphis Bar Association, 2019
- How to work with clients who are handicapped by mental illness or addiction., Author/Speaker, Dealing with the Mentally Ill Client, Memphis Bar Association, Attorneys, 2019
- Update on recent case decisions and judicial and practice trends in Tennessee Family Law, co-author, co-speaker, Family Law Update: Trends, Trials and Tribulations, Memphis Bar Association, Family Law Attorneys, 2019
- Update on the trends and decisions in Tennessee Family Law, particularly as it relates to the accounting and forensic accounting industries., author, co-speaker, Tennessee Family Law: What's New, What's Next, Tennessee Society of Certified Public Accountants, Certified Public Accountants, 2019
- How to recognize pathological tendencies in clients and opposing counsel. Strategies for dealing with them., author, speaker, Webinar: Dealing with Difficult Clients and Difficult Opposing Counsel, American Bar Association webinar series, Family Law Attorneys, 2018
- Synopsis of the pathologies of various types of personalities encountered in the practice of family law, both clients and opposing counsel. Strategies for recognizing and interacting with difficult individuals., author, speaker, Dealing With Difficult Clients and Difficult Opposing Counsel, ABA Family Law Section Spring Conference, Family Law Attorneys, 2018
- Anne is the author of Fearless Freedom, A Divorced Lawyers Guide to Divorce, available on Amazon. Her book focuses on the practical approaches to divorce, co-parenting, and rebuilding a life after divorce., 2023
- Super Lawyers: 2022 - 2024